Virtual Lessons & Classes from WB Staff
Check out the links below for lessons and other creative resources from our talented summer staff and alumni!
Willowbrook is making this information available for your interest. The services and content offered are not created, sponsored, nor endorsed by Willowbrook Arts Camp. Please contact the individual instructors directly for more information.
Virtual Piano Lessons with Kent Jenkins
Willowbrook Specialist Kent Jenkins is offering private, virtual piano lessons! You can view his musical creations on Youtube and contact him at kentjenkins625@gmail.com for more information about rates and times.
Willowbrook Specialist Yuki Martin has a variety of virtual origami resources available. She is offering virtual private lessons, how-to videos, and more on her website. Be sure to check out her calendar to view upcoming events!
Dance and World Arts Specialist Mimi Sanders will be offering several engaging classes this fall, including an Aladdin musical theater workshop for ages 6+ and and a Fairy Tale dance class for ages 3-5. Click here to learn more about these offerings and contact Mimi for more information at mimisandersart@hotmail.com